Mae'r Iesu mawr yn maddeu

(Helaethrwydd maddeuol Ras)
Mae'r Iesu mawr yn maddeu
  Pechodau rif y gwlith;
'Does fesur ar ei gariad,
  Na therfyn iddo byth;
Mae'n 'mofyn lle i dosturio,
  Mae'n hoffi trugarhau;
Trugaredd i'r amddifaid
  Sydd ynddo i barhau.

Agorodd ddrws i'r caethion
  I dd'od o'r cystudd mawr;
A'i werthfawr waed fe dalodd
  Eu dyled oll i lawr;
Nid oes dim damnedigaeth
  I neb o'r duwiol hâd;
Y gwaredigion ganant
  Am rinwedd mawr ei waed.

Aed son am Geidwad enaid,
  I dir yr India draw,
A boed i filwyr Seion
  Orchfygu ar bob llaw;
I lawr y delo'r delwau, -
  A'r holl eilunod mud,
A'r Iesu fo'n teyrnasu
  Dros holl derfynau'r byd.
1-2: Morgan Rhys 1716-79
3 : Anhysbys (Cas. S Roberts 1841)

Tôn [7676D]: Areli (alaw Seisnig)

  Aed son am Geidwad enaid
  Agorodd ddrws i'r caethion
  Mae Crist a'i w'radwyddiadau
  Pa dduw ymhlith y duwiau?
  Wel dyma'r Un sy'n maddeu

(The Abundance of forgiving Grace)
Great Jesus is forgiving
  Sins numerous as the dew;
There is no measure to his love,
  Nor end to it ever;
It is asking for room to show pity,
  It likes to be merciful,
Mercy to the destitute
  Which is enduring in him.

He opened a door for the captives
  To come from the great tribulation;
With his precious blood he paid
  All their debt down;
There is no condemnation
  To anyone from the godly seed
The delivered shall sing
  About the great merit of his blood.

Let the sound about a soul's Saviour go
  To the land of yonder India,
And let the soldiers of Zion be
  Overcoming on every hand;
Down let the images come, -
  And all the mute idols,
And Jesus be reigning
  Over all the ends of the world.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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